Hey there! I’m Kimberly
I am a customer-focused and data-driven UX/UI designer based in Tampa, FL with a background as an entrepreneur, martial arts/fitness instructor and customer service professional. I help bridge the gap between technology and communication with creative and functional design to improve user experience and make an impact on people and communities.

Siren Project - AMMCO
Redesign of the Siren responsive website and designing new features and updates for the Siren mobile application that help marine biologists, fishermen, governments and NGOs monitor, study, understand and make an impact in the conservation of sea turtles and other marine animals.
Taekwon-Do Trainer
A mobile app that allows ITF Taekwon-Do practitioners to customize and gamify their training as well as enables them to track their workouts.
Zoom Student Reward System and Interactive Board
Making Zoom a more visual and engaging virtual learning space for younger students.