Enhancing the Local Event Search Experience

OVERVIEW: LocalEyez is a mobile app that uses machine learning to personalize user experience in finding local events that are relevant and match the user interests. The app is geared towards anyone finding events and things to do including sports, art, live music, theater shows, family activities and more. The app suggests events based on user preferences. Users will be able to save events, share them with friends and family members as well as purchase tickets.

ROLES: Primary role UI DESIGNER, Secondary role UX DESIGNER



The client LocalEyez, a startup company, wanted to design a mobile app from an existing web interface app. LocalEyez needs to use an innovative machine-learning technology to learn the preference of its users’ interests to recommend local events and activities.


LocalEyez is a mobile app that personalizes the user experience by learning their preferences through machine learning technology and matching them with local events and activities. The app will also make recommendations based on saved and purchased events. Users will also be able to search for new activities to do.


  • Age: 21 to 50 years old

  • Annual income: $30,000 to $120,0000

  • Location: Large Urban Areas, United States

  • Interests: Food Tours, Bar Crawls, Trivia Nights, Hiking, Festivals, Block Parties, Art Walks, Sports, Nightlife, Concerts, Board Games, Family Friendly, Bowling

  • Attitudes: Optimistic, Social, Seeks Spontaneity

  • Challenges: Social Isolation due to Urban Culture, Lack of Time and Organization for Family Outings, Friends are Picky




The client is taking a new direction with their LocalEyez web app and would like to create a new mobile version of the app that utilizes machine learning. These are the client’s expectations for the new mobile app:

  • Onboarding - The LocalEyez team wants to see an onboarding flow that is intuitive and similar to the MeetUp or Flipboard ‘s onboarding process.

  • Remix “The Feed” layout for the mobile app - The team would like to see The Feed on a mobile platform, inspired by their web version, but it should incorporate new patterns and design changes.

  • Redesign User Profile - The LocalEyez team wants the whole profile redesigned for the user to be able to update their bio, choose new interests, see an archive of their past events, fill out their payment information or add a location.


Airbnb Experiences: Users are able to find different categories of experiences on the feed. They are also able to find experiences based on location and hosts. The app is visually appealing with helpful thumbnail images of each experience with the ability to add them to your favorites. It also offers horizontal scrolling and a simple tab bar for a convenient user experience.


ClassPass: Users are able to search for things to do at gyms, fitness studios as well as salons and spas using filters by location, preference and choice.


Meetup: Meetup’s onboarding flow is simple and intuitive. It uses machine learning as well to suggest different local events based on a user’s preferences and location. Users can either find a Meetup group to connect with or create their own.


Foursquare: Foursquare City Guide allows users to search for restaurants and activities to do. The home page categories include breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee & tea, nightlife and things to do. Users can also search for activities and restaurants by name, location, other categories, trending and top picks.


For the app design, I focused on one of the user personas, Nick James.


Nick James

Passionate Runner

I’m looking for a medium to connect with different sportsmen in my locality.


  • 26 years old

  • Software Engineer

James is interested in a lot of sports, including football, cricket, tennis, etc. He also participates in a lot of physical activities like cycling, trekking, mountaineering, etc.


James is interested in a lot of sports, including football, cricket, tennis, etc. He used to participate in a lot of physical activities like cycling, trekking, mountaineering, etc.


  • Passionate

  • Energetic

  • Adaptive

  • Personable

  • Resourceful

  • Creative


  • Search nearby sports venues

  • Connect with similar sport-enthusiast people

  • Play local tournaments

  • Participate in local trekking events






  • Cycling

  • Trekking

  • Football

  • Nature


  • Lazying around

  • Unproductive days

  • Not getting a break

  • Uncompetitiveness


Heather Stevens

Working Mom


Heather Stevens is a pre-k teacher who works 5 days a week, Monday-Friday. When she is not at work, she is managing her hectic life as a mother & wife. It is important for Heather to be able to spend as much time with her family as possible. She generally reads the paper because of the local events to bring her children to on the weekends. Heather is looking for something that is quick and easy to read to manage her schedule.


  • Age: 36 years

  • Work: Pre-K Teacher

  • Family: Married, 2+ Kids

  • Location: Rochester, NY


“I am looking for a website that will have local events for me to bring my children to on the weekends, that is also easy & quick to navigate with my hectic life as a mother.”

Wish List:

  • Easy navigation

  • Fast responses

  • Easy readability

  • Quick loading

  • Current events

  • Local events

  • High quality images


Sarah Blake

Teenage Girl

I like to have lots of fun with my friends on the weekends after I get all of my homework out of the way.

Type of Events

  • Movie premieres

  • Popup Shop Events

  • Park events

Kristal Smith

Young Adult

Being recent college grads, my friends and I still like to go out and have a good time every once in a while.

Type of Events

  • Wine Tasting

  • Art Exhibits

  • Club Events

Shawn Johnson

Middle Age Professional

I like to go out and network with other professionals like myself.

Type of Events

  • Meetups

  • Happy Hour Events

  • Conferences



LocalEyez Web Site Map

Site Map

LocalEyez Web Wireframe - The Feed

The Feed

LocalEyez Web Wireframe - Explore


LocalEyez Web Wireframe - Profile


LocalEyez Logo

LocalEyez Logo

LocalEyez Color Palette

Color Palette

LocalEyez Mood Board

Mood Board

I reviewed the provided material and deliverables from LocalEyez and then redesigned the logo and picked a new color palette and the typography.


LocalEyez Logo Sketches

Logo sketches


I began the redesign by brainstorming different logo ideas and sketching them out on paper. I worked with the idea to incorporate an eye into the logo, but then decided I wanted to simplify it with just an LE. After choosing a design sketch that I liked, I set out to find the right font for the logo.

I ended up choosing the serif font Florent and used Adobe Photoshop to modify the logo to recreate my sketch idea. I added Local Eyez using the main header font, Sycopate and incorporated the accent desaturated yellow color and white on a dark blue/black background

LocalEyez Logo


I chose a new color palette for the LocalEyez mobile app as I wanted it to have a fresh and more exciting look with some bolder contrast of colors using a variation of the primary colors. The colors are more muted (desaturated) so as not to be visually overwhelming.

For the typography, I went with Sycopate Bold for the Header fonts and Oswald for the body text.

I wanted my design to have a simple, clean look and evoke uplifting and trustworthy feelings.

LocalEyez Updated Color Palette

LocalEyez new color palette




Before sketching the wireframes, I researched different patterns and looked in particular at the onboarding patterns and preference sorting and filters patterns.

A part of the assignment was to create a unique onboarding process, similar to MeetUp or Flipboard. I studied both apps in detail to observe their strengths and weaknesses with the onboarding process and sketched a simple, but intuitive onboarding process to guide the user towards picking their preferences.

I also studied the desktop wireframes and sketched new screens for each of the sections of the mobile app, referring back to the site map.

LocalEyez Onboarding Wireframe Sketches

Wireframe Sketches - Onboarding process

LocalEyez Wireframe sketches

LocalEyez Wireframe sketches


I used the tool Figma to create digital mid-fidelity wireframes of the Onboarding screens.

LocalEyez Digital Onboarding Wireframes

LocalEyez Digital Onboarding Wireframes

I also designed the remixed The Feed, Explore and Profile screens.

LocalEyez Digital Wireframes remixed Feed, Explore and Profile

LocalEyez Digital Wireframes remixed Feed, Explore and Profile



Visual Design & Mockups

I implemented the new brand assets I created and worked on the user interface of the LocalEyez App and designed mockups for the onboarding screens and also created a High-Fidelity Prototype for the Onboarding process.

I studied interaction and animation design and learned how to animate the logo on Figma. I also implemented simple animations on the screen transitions when a user interacted with the app. I made sure the animations enhanced the app and made sure they were not distracting.

LocalEyez Onboarding Gif

LocalEyez Onboarding Gif

LocalEyez Onboarding Mockups




Usability testing was conducted with 6 local participants that fit the target audience criteria. They were canvassed from my neighborhood.

User 1 liked that the onboarding process was short and that she didn't have to create a long profile first before viewing and using the app. She also stated that the app was user friendly and had a good flow. The only feedback she provided for improvement would be something to implement for the future. She stated that it would be nice to collect data from users and once a user has saved or purchased tickets to more events and activities, the app would be able to provide more recommendations for the user based on the types of events and activities they've picked.

User 2 thought that the onboarding process was simple and smooth. He thought that it was a very user friendly process. For improvement suggestions, he felt there were too many photos and would like to see fewer photos.

User 3 thought that the app and it's navigation are simple enough but didn't like how it was like a guessing game to have to click on the exact same item in the exact same order for the onboarding process to move onto the next section. User 3 liked the design of the app.

User 4 thought that the onboarding process was typical of most apps and seemed to work well. She liked that the app was pretty simple and straight forward to use. There wasn't a lot of unnecessary sections or info. It seemed easy to browse through the events and find things. She liked the visual design of the app. She didn't have any suggestions for improvement of the app.

User 5 said the onboarding process seemed good but found it a bit complex. He liked the user interface and the design. For improvement suggestions, he would like to see the app be less complicated as he was confused at times with where to click.

User 6 found the onboarding process very easy to do. She found the app to be well designed, visually appealing and easy to navigate and didn't have any suggestions for improvement.

Key Takeaways:

All six testers completed the entire onboarding process. Users liked the:

  • User friendly process

  • Simple and Smooth navigation

  • Good flow of the onboarding process

Recommendations and Next Steps for Improving the app:

  • Improve the category selection for the prototype as users needed to click on specific ones in a specific order for it to work

  • Implement more app recommendations once users start favoriting events and purchasing tickets.

  • Reduce the amount of images used - it felt overwhelming with too many photos




I implemented all the suggestions from the users in the usability testing to iterate the design and improve the user interface and the user experience.

The final prototype also incorporates a scrolling carousel interaction on the Explore page, which makes the page fun to interact with and visually appealing. I learned how to design this feature on Figma, which allows users to continuously scroll through the images.

LocalEyez Explore Page Scrolling Carousel Interaction

LocalEyez Explore Page Scrolling Carousel Interaction

LocalEyez Final Mockups

LocalEyez Final Mockups




Learning Opportunities:

  • Category selection during the onboarding process is an important step for the machine learning to function properly. For the prototype to function properly, what I learned from this project was to include all possible combinations of selections as we don’t know the path the user will take.

  • Learning a new design technique can be interesting and exciting, but can also be very frustrating. I spent a lot of time getting the carousel scrolling interaction to work properly. Looking back, I am glad I spent the time to learn this feature as I feel it does enhance the user experience and makes the app more fun to use.

I learned a lot during the visual design process of the LocalEyez mobile app. My key takeaways are to use visual design, including the logo, typography, colors, animation and interaction and all visual elements on the app (like photos and icons) to enhance the app and user experience. It should not be too visually stimulating to where the user is overwhelmed or confused.

I also had to redesign the wireframes to improve the user experience. The user testing is important to ensure that the product meets user expectations.

Thanks for reading!

I look forward to creating wonderful experiences with you.